#1 Selling Shooting Machine In Basketball

Push Beyond This Off-Season

Explore our off-season player guide which includes FREE drills, expert advice, and pro-level strength & Nutrition plans to dominate the next season

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Get better, faster this summer with Dr. Dish’s FREE Off-Season Player Guide


Featuring instructional videos, drills, advice, and everything in between - The Off-Season Players Guide will help you get to where they want to be for the next season!


Not only will your basketball game level up on the court, but off the court as well. We brought in professional-level trainers to help you with your strength and nutrition routine, and to give you a plan to get ahead of what the competition is doing.


Fill out the form on this page to get access for FREE. And don't forget to share this with your friends and teammates, as they can access these resources too!


*No Dr. Dish machine is required to access any of these resources.

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